The soil is the great connector of our lives, the source and destination of all.
-Wendell Berry

21 Day Gut Reset Cleanse

I have been doing this cleanse for 5 years every January and can’t recommend it enough. It consists of whole clean foods to help aid digestion and rebuild your gut flora which has a plethora of positive side effects that will make you feel amazing.

When I became a Certified Holistic Health Coach in 2020, I knew I had to start sharing this cleanse with others as it aligns with my lifestyle and KGH. Eating clean, local and sustainable foods is a part of my everyday practice but it’s easy to fall off track and get caught up with festivities (which is well worth it for the joy it brings).

There are so many benefits to this cleanse. Besides restoring your digestive health, it promotes a healthy gut flora. The gut is home to trillions of bacteria that play a crucial role in digestion and overall health. This cleanse will restore the microbiome and give it a chance to reset and restore itself. It reduces inflammation, supports detoxification, and improves immune function. Some other great side effects are brighter skin, feeling more energized, deeper sleep, improved mental clarity and my personal favorite, a big ole seratonin boost.

A healthier gut leads to a happier you. It’s just food.

What is a kitchen garden?

A kitchen garden is a small plot of land or space near a home where one can grow a variety of edible plants, vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers. The primary purpose is to provide fresh, homegrown food for daily meals, making it an essential feature for self-sufficiency and sustainability. The ability to have complete control of your food is powerful.
From soil to seed to harvest.